Political innovation resources

There’s helpful knowledge that (until now) has only lived in the heads of various political entrepreneurs and funders. To make that knowledge more accessible, we’re building out a library of resources like those below.

If these are helpful, and/or if you have ideas for other topics, please let me know!

Articles not yet written

Here are some ideas of topics that you could write about. Or come up with your own!

  • Product: I want to figure out new ways to support our organization’s volunteers. How can I do that?

  • Hiring: What political roles would provide useful experience for Position X, and where can I find such candidates?

  • Fundraising: I can find template for-profit pitch decks online, but what’s a good non-profit template?

  • Operations: What service providers do others use for compliance/accounting/HR/etc.?

  • Volatility: How do I deal with the volatility of revenue in on vs. off years?

  • Where to find various data: I need a list of all the polling places in Ohio and Michigan. Does anybody collect and share that already (and if so who)?